Tuesday, December 29, 2009

screw you, laundry

so here i am, about 3 months later updating my bliggity blog. just a *few* things have changed- mainly- the baby doesnt sleep quite as much during the day making it just a little harder to write to you about the randomness going on in my head about all things milky and mothery. also, baby is catching some zzz's in her swing right now and i really, really dont feel like doing the laundry. so here are some resolutions that i may or may not keep this year:

1) i will keep pumping as long as possible. i become one with my destiny of not nursing my baby, therefore i pump. many, many times a day because girlfriend here can EAT. my friends think im a complete lunatic for manually pumping- but whatever, it gets the job done. i made a promise with myself that i would breastfeed for 3 months and now im cruising on through the 5th month like its nothing! yay me! well im doing it for my baby AND of course because i keep hoping that i can lay around and do nothing but lactate to lose these 20 lbs.

2) i will lose the damn baby weight (im really mad at pregnant me for eating nothing but sweets for 9 months straight). i couldnt wait for summer to be over because it was too hot to take the baby out for walks. now its too damn cold and windy. alas, it must be done. im promising myself (and to all 2 of you faithful readers) that when its not windy and above freezing, im taking my homegirl out for a walk around the neighborhood. i might even throw in some crunches and lunges while we hang out at home. might.

3) i will clean more often. being a mom isnt so much hard as it is tedious. with all the time i spend at home i should have the squeakiest clean house that looks like something out of a martha stewart magazine. instead it looks like hell. gotta get on this.

4) i will send birthday cards. or at least acknowledge your birthday. ugh this is my resolution every year, and every year i blow it. in case i forget, happy birthday!!!

5) last one: i will try to be less judgmental and more loving. no specific examples (to protect the innocent) but im trying to undo a lot of bitchiness in my heart and having a baby has really helped me realize that life is too short and wonderful to clog it all up with being upset at stupid things.

so there you have it. a few little resolutions to get me through, oh at least half of january. theres a few more that i would love to add... like 'i resolve to be better with money!' or 'i will stop smoking!" because honestly some resolutions are ridiculous. :D

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