Wednesday, January 4, 2012

apparently i am worse at this blogging thing than i thought

here we go, its 2012!!!! i think i made like 3 posts last year and since i have this new-found urge to write a book on my adventures in half-assed attachment parenting, im going to at least try to write more than once a quarter.

as for my resolutions last year..... yeah i didnt accomplish any of them. why, you may ask? (or you probably wouldn't even ask if you read this blog..i never stick to them) because shit hit the fan last year. which is also the reason i didnt write anything after march.

shitastic reasons why last year sucked, in outline form:

A. hubs losing sweet job

1. lost insurance

2. had to file bankruptcy

3. home in foreclosure

B. depression meds stopped working

1. i gained like 10 lbs of nasty

2. i slept a lot: laundry monster triumphed

3. went off them cold-turkey to save money: disaster ensued

4. had a nervous breakdown

5. spent a week in a psychiatric hospital (more fun than it sounds!)

C. other things that sucked

1. family shit

2. never stuck to the budget

3. stayed inside too much

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh so there you have it, my list of shit from 2011. can i just tell you how happy i am that its a whole new year??? dammit, 2012 is going to rock and be train wreck-free.

so onto to the witty writing that you have come to expect and love from me. a whole new list of resolutions that i promise that ill at least put a little more effort into this year.

resolution 1: not be so depressed, because im seriously no fun to be around. this entails sticking to my new meds (which come in generic form, yayyyy!), meditating (my new favorite hobby), and getting outside more (to lose some of that g.d. weight i put on while eating my sads away)

resolution 2: write more. i like to write. mainly its because i think im hilarious, but this year its to try to make some money.

resolution 3: stick to the fucking budgetttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh this is the hardest for me. i have zero self-control (see: above money problems) so it will be a real challenge not to spend money on crap i dont need. in fact, its going to be a real challenge to not spend money on basically anything but food, bills, necessities. this year is the year of financial redemption, of starting a savings account!!!!!

resolution 4: stick with my job. oh i didnt tell you?? i got a jobby job!!! i start working part time this saturday- weekends only- at a somewhat local hotel doing what i love to do: shmoozing with guests! im super excited about this because it means a) im out of the house b) im having adult conversations c) im making money and d) hubs gets some super one on one time with miss k

resolution 5: last but certainly not least- my most important resolution is to be conciously aware and in the present moment when im with my daughter. whether its driving somewhere, grocery shopping, playing with her, eating lunch... i resolve to give her my full attention instead of a half-assed, oh good youre happy ill go check my email while you play, type of attention. i want to be the awesomely awesome mom that does this because its why im home with her, its why we sacrifice and why i went to the psych ward........ because i love her and she deserves the best me.

ok my friends- ive got to clean up the kitchen and do dishes. and tell the laundry monster to go suck a fat one.


foxy mama

1 comment:

  1. Yay, you're back! I too resolve to beat the laundry monster and his dust bunny minions! Looking forward to lots of foxy posts this year.
