Thursday, January 17, 2013

little bites of elephant

mission...... in progress.
and if you read this blog you know that this is an improvement. for once i feel like im getting shit done. for realz. the little things are starting to snowball into actual accomplishments. things ive been meaning to do are actually getting done. case in point: i finished k's quiet book*. this may not seem like the greatest accomplishment- but this is huge, people. the quiet book is the craft that i wanted to do... i sketched it out, bought the felt and fabric, scoured pinterest for inspiration, and even started cutting out felt pieces. and then i put it in a box and didnt touch it for 10 months. part of me was wrestling with 'omg this would take forever to sew' and 'omg i hate sewing' and finally i said, 'fuck it, im just going to hot glue the damn thing.' AND IT GOT DONE. its beautiful! its stupendous! its creative! mom thinks i should sell them! k loves it! i want to show everyone how awesome it is. i am proud of it! it is something that I made. but the real point here is that i followed through on something. this is probably the first unnecessary (as in, not bound to finances or moving or whatever) thing that i have started and finished in i have no idea how long. and i feel good.

i think the quiet book is the first tangible accomplishment among a few things i have cookin these days. another big thing is that im training for a 10k. i started my 8 week- printed-off-the-internet-schedule back in december and im still rolling with it. technically i should be at week 6 or 7 but christmas obligations and a week of killer pms kinda got in the way, but im back at it- restarted on week 3 and plowing ahead. i really enjoy running on the treadmill- i bust out 2 or 3 miles as fast as i can and i feel as though i could take over the world afterwards! plus its 45 minutes of alone time with my music, thoughts and sweat. another related thing i am working on is not smoking. i hit a wall with running (since i was smoking the same before the christmas/pms break) and i was dying after 3 miles. so i figured, hmm if i stop smoking so much then maybe i can run harder/farther. i bought one of those electric cigarettes and honestly i dont even use it that much. i still smoke here and there but havent bought a pack in over a week. and thats major for me. so im starting off 2013 in wayyyyyyyyy better shape both financially, physically, and mentally than i ever imagined.

2013 will be the year of following through getting shit done. my resolution in one word is 'smarter.' that covers all my bases- smarter about my health, smarter about finances and being frugal, smarter about planning my day/week, smarter about how i live and how it affects others. smarter about my limits. i always set huge goals for myself and feel frustrated when i cant reach them. i read this: 'you cant eat an elephant whole, you have to cut it up first.' or something like that. little bites of my delicious elephant -overall awareness of the big picture when im stuck in the moment- will get me farther than trying to eat that shit all at once.

btw the picture is from pinterest (where else!?) and if its your pic im sorry, it was too cute not to use

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